CCF Vegetable share options
fresh, organic, and sustainably grown produce in the adirondacks
Weekly Share Options
Cobble Creek Farm we offer half share and full share options for a seventeen week period, beginning early/mid-June and running through early October. The half share is for a small household (1-2 people), while a full share is more suited for a household of 3 or more.
Customers who sign up for a share are guaranteed the available vegetables for that week. Each week share members will receive a bag of approximately 5 - 8 organic, seasonally-grown vegetables fresh off the farm. See the share samples below for an idea of what will be available throughout the season. Customers also have the option of adding fresh farm eggs to their weekly shares in addition to maple syrup. We also provide recipes via email and blog that utilize the various vegetables distributed on a weekly basis.
Most of our shareholders reside in the Southern/Central Adirondacks, ranging from Queensbury/Glens Falls to as far north as Indian Lake.
2023 Vegetable Share Options and Prices:
Half Vegetable Share -
Half Vegetable Share with 1 doz. eggs -
Full Vegetable Share -
Full Vegetable Share with 1 doz. eggs -
Full Share with 2 doz. eggs -
2023 Vegetable Share Options w/CCF Maple Syrup:
Half Vegetable Share with 1 quart of Maple Syrup -
Half Vegetable Share with 1 doz. eggs and 1 quart of Maple Syrup -
Full Vegetable Share with 1 quart of Maple Syrup -
Full Vegetable Share with 1 doz. eggs and 1 quart of Maple Syrup -
Full Vegetable Share with 2 doz. eggs and 1 quart of Maple Syrup -
2023 Vegetable Share Sign-Up Form
To sign up for a vegetable share, please print then fill out the form (link above), then mail with deposit to...
Cobble Creek Farm
407 Hardscrabble Rd.
Olmstedville, NY 12857
Pick up location for 2023:
Returning North Country area shareholders will pick up weekly shares every Tuesday or Friday afternoon (3-6 pm) at 407 Hardscrabble Road, unless other arrangements have been made for delivery (Inquire by email). New North Country area shareholders will pick up each Friday (3-6 pm) at 407 Hardscrabble Rd. Queensbury shareholders, your shares will be delivered on Tuesday afternoons.
Full payment must be made by the fist share pick/distribution unless other arrangements have been made. If you have any questions about vegetable shares please contact Paul Allison at [email protected]

Below is a seasonal list of vegetables we grow at CCF. Expect to find a mix of these vegetables in weekly share distributions.
- Kale (baby kale)
- Lettuce (romaine, blend lettuce, New Red Fire, Black-Seeded Simpson)
- Pac Choy
- Kohlrabi
- Hotshot blend greens
- Arugula
- Spinach
- Radishes
- Chard
- Snow Peas and Snap peas (late Spring)
- Turnips
- Bunching onions
- Lettuce (early summer)
- Kale (several varieties)
- Arugula (early summer)
- Beets
- Bush Beans (several varieties)
- Pole Beans
- Carrots
- Summer squash (zucchini and yellowneck)
- Parsley (curly and flat leaf)
- Onions (yellow, sweet)
- Basil
- Dill
- Garlic scapes (late spring/early summer)
- Grape and Cherry Tomatoes
- Slicer Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
Late Summer/ Fall
- Lettuce (Fall)
- Kale (several varieties)
- Cucumbers (market and pickling)
- Tomatoes (slicer, cherry, grape, and heirloom varieties)
- Onions (yellow, sweet, and red)
- Carrots
- Garlic
- Arugula
- Parsley (curly and flat leaf)
- Peppers (bell and hot)
- Pumpkins (cider jack, jack straw, and baby pam)
- Squash (delicata, acorn, butternut, spaghetti, and winter)
- Potatoes (red and yellow)
- Kohlrabi (late fall)